Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Although I have not written a single post in the year 2016, this year was quite plentiful. Many adventures, a new love in my life (my leading man) and I am positive that there will be lots of new stories the next year. Wish everyone a fantastic New Year!!

See ya,
Lucy Lovely

Friday, January 02, 2015

Belle chanson/Beautiful song

I am a self-confessed follower of trends (it's ok, I've come to terms with it... :)

But I also have an excellent musical taste, when I come accross something really good, I can tell it right away, so I was browsing the Internet, and came accross this hidden gem. I know the singer, Louis-Ronan Choisy, I have been a follower on Facebook for some years, but I had no idea of his entire repertoire.

Opium, Fumée de Rêve, is one of those songs, you kinda love the very minute you hear it...


See ya,
Lucy Lovely

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Scottish Referendum

I was quite curious while following the elections regarding the Scottish referendum this year. Yes, I know I am not Scottish and that the result would not affect my life at all, but I was curious to know its outcome.

What was clearer with the result is that there is an evident dichotomy in the country. 55% voted against the Scottish independence. 45% voted for it. That is, the high number of discontented citizens with the British monarchy charging heavy taxes on Scottish people is almost equivalent to the number of people who got used to or “accepted” it. And something tells me that this is not the end of the story.

Another fact that called my attention is that democracy takes into account what the majority chooses and wants. However, such majority is not always right, and sometimes the majority can be, in other words, dumb, very dumb.

Who won, who lost…we don’t know…the only thing we know, in fact, is that “the song remains the same”.

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Que puta vida!

A vida é um circo, uma grande roda e às vezes um falas, pensamentos, sentimentos, muitas vezes ocultos, muitas vezes esquecidos...e muitas vezes misteriosos...

Ao assistir a peça, ou melhor espetáculo "Sarau das Putas" encenado por treze atrizes maravilhosas (incluindo minha amiga, Laura Limp) e dirigido por Ivan Sugahara, fiquei pensando no eco em que as palavras ditas pelos pensamentos e sentimentos dos personagens que todas as treze intepretam magistralmente teriam sobre os espectadores, se tal eco foi o mesmo causado em mim.

O foco, a prostituição, tema tão antigo quanto o mundo, é desvelado em várias formas e nuances, sem nunca se ater ao lugar-comum, ao clichê...

A prostituta que fala a um antigo amante, a garota de programa que surta após a falta de ereção do cliente, a  prostituta que irrompe em um grito de agonia ao denunciar a violência contra as mulheres (momento fantástico), mostra que todas somos uma só...prostitutas, donas de casa, enfermeiras, médicas, advogadas...casadas, solteiras, viúvas, etc...todas as nossas vozes são semelhantes, todas têm direito ao prazer e à liberdade de escolha.

Bravas e corajosas essas meninas...a elas eu desejo SUCESSO.

Em cartaz até dia 29/05 no teatro Poeira.

See ya
Lucy Lovely